Sunday, August 30, 2009

Yes we can!

On February 24th, President Obama gave his first address to congress as the 44th president of the United States. After watching that speech, I wrote this note on my Facebook:

Dear President Obama,
I listened to your speech tonight. Good job.
You make me want to join AmeriCorps again and make sure that kids go to college. You make me want to go back to school and become a scientist and create a car that runs on methane or something similar. You make me want to make this country a better place.
So, thanks for that. I'm excited to live in the USA at this moment in time.

So I can trace back to this exact date the moment I decided to sign up for AmeriCorps again. Pretty cool.

Here's a short part of that speech, the beginning of the section where he spoke about education reform:

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